速報APP / 娛樂 / Make a Meme+

Make a Meme+



檔案大小:28.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Make a Meme+(圖1)-速報App

*Over 4 MILLION Users!!*

With Make a Meme+ you can easily create awesome memes on the go using your iOS device! Pick a meme from "Forever alone" to "Success Kid" and many more. Use this app to create memes and send to your friends!


- Pick from a selection of awesome memes including "Overly Attached Girlfriend" and "Grumpy Cat"

- Easily change text at the touch of a button

Make a Meme+(圖2)-速報App

- Add hats and faces to your memes and pictures like the "Scumbag Hat" and "Troll Face"

- Save the image to your camera roll

- Post your meme to facebook

- Post your meme on Instagram

- Tweet your meme

Make a Meme+(圖3)-速報App

- Share your meme with an email

- Copy your meme to the clipboard with a direct link to the Messages app so you can text your meme to your friends!

- Assign your meme to one of your contacts

- Use your own pictures! Either take a picture or use one from your library

- Use Know Your Meme to learn about different memes

Make a Meme+(圖4)-速報App

- Many more memes available through in-app purchase!

For Support or Feedback email SlayterDevelopment@gmail.com

Follow us on Twitter @SlayterDev

Make a Meme+(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad